Making the Most of the Misery

So its been a while, sorry about that….

The rather lovely thing is that after all of the pain and discomfort of slogging through the wind, rain and cold the sun has finally made an appearance, albeit briefly.  More importantly the temperatures have started to rise and the available hours of sunlight have virtually reached their zenith.  Legs are going well and the average speed has started to touch my autumnal maximal already.  So in short the effort of riding between January and May have begun to reap their rewards.

When you’re sat riding into a block headwind for what seems like forever or getting chilled right down early morning its easy to forget that its going to be worth it, as it will warm up and you will go faster!

I think the knee injury put the dampener on my pre-summer riding preparation, but it seems to have resolved and is holding steady now, so the 100KM commute has become a twice weekly feature of my commuting week.  Interestingly over the last 2 weeks the mileage has continued to climb past the 150 to approaching 180.  I’ve no idea if this is good or bad, what I do know is that there have been a few days when I’d happily ride all day in the warm hazy sunshine.

Coupled with my willingness to ride longer distances has come opportunity to scout out the local area to our house, and what a revelation that has been, I have found all sorts of undulations, valleys and beautiful vistas.  Whilst the commuting is largelyIMG_20150507_153504 flat the riding ‘out the back’ of our house is anything but and its an absolute blast, accumulating lots of flat miles doesn’t quite translate into a climbing legend, but its enough so that it doesn’t hurt as much as it could!

Best of all I’ve ridden past an Italian coffee shop and a local dairy that makes its own ice cream, so the next ride out is going to be peppered with refreshment stops I think!

Happy riding.

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